common issues: alcoholism, relationship problems, oops babies, drunk driving, stress/anxiety/depression, suicidal thoughts
in case of someone wanting to harm themselves, how do you de-escalate the situation?
conflict resolution, soft calm voice, intonation, pastoral counseling, battalion chaplain so we meet in person, validate, be nonjudmental, cbt skills
need a leader who takes on parental figure, they are young age where they need role models, basic human needs, need someone who can mentor them as human beings
I think the chaplain job is something that the military is lucky to have because there isnt anything like that out in the civilian world. There is no such thing as 100% confidentiality, especially secular ones. Also only chaplains know how pathetic and whiny I am. Then I just pick myself up and go back to real life. People think I have my shit together because I don't spill my problems out to them like they're an emotional tampon. But I don't have my shit together.
tell him what you are doing with the online therapy thing for terminally online incels. people pay me to just talk to them for a bit and they can just spill their guts. I think mandatory reporting just hurts people.
What do you think are unique problems to men who need help?
What are some common issues the airmen come to talk to you about?
relationships, figure out how to talk to women and that relationships dont define them as men, breakups/rejection, porn and gaming, become man in the real world. most guys have other friends, but growing number of men dont and they dont have mentors and trusted friends who can guide them and bounce ideas off of, most guys dont have just an ordinary dudes teaching them those things especially these days compared to the old days. maturity curve is getting longer. Most guys do have someone they can talk to but increasing number are starting to not, and they dont know whats normal and whats not. This is often due to technology and many people choosing to game and social media, in the old days it was in-person. Divorces of parents also negatively affected young men.
What do you think airmen, or I guess young men, need from the people around them?
Honesty and transparency, someone to talk to and process regular life stuff, spending time together. Outsourcing expertise instead of just community members like family and church members helping them.
In case of someone wanting to harm themselves, how do you de-escalate the situation?
"ask care escort air force strategy" you dont have to solve their problems, you just need to listen and help them organize their thoughts. one time he has driven an airman to a hospital.
Do you lift?
every day
in 10yrs, teach at college and be a pastor
Counselor Training
Common problems that the 4chan community has:
- Lack of healthy social network such as family or friends. Many come from families lacking healthy male role models, if there were any males at all
- Questionable friend groups: such as many come from backgrounds where their friends are delinquients and drug users, so they walked away, but don't have alternative social groups
- Poverty